Five years ago today, I was in a hospital bed anxiously awaiting the birth of my first baby. I knew she was a girl, I knew her name would be Maggie but I had no idea how much I would love her! I had no idea that when I looked at her...I would see Casey. I wasn't prepared for how much she would change my life! She was 8 pounds 3 ounces and had the biggest cheeks. She was and still is so gorgeous to me! She had big blue eyes that everyone kept telling me would eventually change to brown because Casey has such dark eyes. She is my blue eyed beauty. She did everything before it was time: roll over, walk, talk. People were always amazed by how well she could speak at such a young age. It was of no credit to me, though. If she was determined to do something...she got it done. She also, however, posses my stubborn nature and doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do. She has her moments of shyness in public but for the most part is so energetic and outspoken! I love to hear the things that she comes up with. She is sweet and kind. Loving and very nurturing. Giving and forgiving. Witty and talented. She loves it when she can get us laughing at something she has done. She has also loved singing since she was a baby. I used to hum to her when I was putting her to sleep and she would hum the same thing back to me. I love to listen to her when she doesn't think anyone else is around because she's either belting out songs we've been listening to in the car or making up songs as if her life were an opera! Why isn't a camera ever handy in those moments? She certainly is convinced that she is Daddy's little princess and likes to act as if Rory is one of her loyal subjects. She changes clothes about 9 times a day and is always taking fashion risks with her blend of colors and patterns! She is so helpful and giving. There is no activity that she doesn't want to take an active part of around the house and is always quick with a "I'll do it for you" if a diaper needs to be retrieved for her brother or the laundry needs folding or the cookie dough spatula needs licking!!! She has blossomed into such a beautiful and gracious young lady and I can't believe that 5 years has already gone by. It makes me so sad to see the baby in her completely gone and yet so proud at the girl she has become. I pray that she will always have her compassion, her spirit and her eagerness to learn new things.
We love you so much, Maggie Britt and are so proud of you! We had our traditional birthday pancake breakfast and she got to open family presents. Her party was on Saturday (I will blog about that later). Rory was a little bit upset about the fact that it was not his birthday...
Maggie, I can't believe that you are five. You are growing so quickly into a beautiful girl who very much resembles her momma. I am so proud of you and who you've become. I'm glad I get to be your aunt. I love you.
Happy Birthday Maggie Britt!! You are such a beautiful girl on the inside and out. Sorry we missed your birthday- we hope to see you soon to give you your birthday gift!
Sweet Maggie! I still remember the day you were born. Lisa and I came to see you in the hospital...and you were perfect and precious. I hope you had a great birthday...give your mommy a hug for me.
Happy Birthday Maggs! We love you so much, you will always be so special to us and we are so proud of the sweet, fun and loving girl that you are.
Maggie, I can't believe that you are five. You are growing so quickly into a beautiful girl who very much resembles her momma. I am so proud of you and who you've become. I'm glad I get to be your aunt.
I love you.
Happy Birthday Maggie Britt!! You are such a beautiful girl on the inside and out. Sorry we missed your birthday- we hope to see you soon to give you your birthday gift!
Sweet Maggie! I still remember the day you were born. Lisa and I came to see you in the hospital...and you were perfect and precious. I hope you had a great birthday...give your mommy a hug for me.
We had our Christmas with Bill and Teri last night... thanks for imparting your great taste... I love it!!! :)
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