The tale of a boy and his blanket
He got attached to it...what can I say? The more he "loved" it, the more I had to wash it and the softer it got. He got so dependent on it to go to sleep that I decided to go and get another one just in case we should ever loose it or need one for the car or Grandma's house, etc. NO GO! He wanted nothing to do with the identical blanket. He only wanted his blue blanket which had now affectionately become known as his "boo boo".
You remember Linus from the Peanuts cartoons? That's Rory. It's with him wherever he goes. He can sleep anywhere as long as he has his boo boo to snuggle up with. It calms him down when he's upset, it comforts him when he's sick, and it makes for a fantastic superhero cape when the need arises. It's getting more and more holes in it but that only seems to make for more inventive ways to carry it around or peek through it when he's hiding under it! In hind-sight, I should have got him a 1 foot square lovey as opposed to having to keep up with this 4 foot square blanket.

Should I leave well enough alone and cherish this phase knowing full well that he won't be cuddling up with it in his college dorm room? Or should I start planning a separation from boo boo i.e. "It's lost" or "You're a big boy now" talk? Someone suggested cutting it down but I'm afraid that might just be more traumatic than a complete removal. Let me know if you've had to deal with this situation.

Labels: Rory
Oh, we know EXACLTY where you are coming from. Ours are called "bebe's". They have both had their's since they were born. They are small and square like a lovey, so it isn't as difficult. But, we still have one MAJOR rule: They can take it in the car, but it NEVER leaves the car. We made this mistake once with Maggie, and it got lost. Thankfully, she was so tiny, she didn't know that we bought another one. I think there comes a time when they get to old to take it to public places, but I think it is cute that they have something so special to them. Hope this helps. :)
My boys have their little square lovies, which they call their "nigh-nighs". I'm with Ashley, I think it's cute that they have something so special to them. We inforce the car rule too. As Sam has gotten older, he is less and less attatched to his, but he still likes to sleep with it and it pretty much just stays in his bed. Gabe still carries his around alot (I got a big blanket for him and cut it into 4 squares when he was a baby and he goes to bed with all 4 squares!) I've already gotten a little one for Luke to have.
Oh no - let him have it. Tyler has an "ee" that he sleeps with and is in the car with us a lot. He takes it to mother's day out (for naps only). I say let them have it and enjoy it. Sydney used to be hooked to a doll but as she got older it became less important. I say don't make it a big deal and forget it in the car every now and then and he might slowly grow apart from it. Don't be shocked if he loves it even more when the new baby comes. He's normal.
Not that I have any personal experience with this myself... but I do remember my lovie... a green velvet pillow from an old couch my parents had. I can't remember how old I was, but I still remember going to the toy store and "trading" it in for a barbie. I really thought I was paying for it with my pillow. :) Clever, right?
Gavin and Ellie still have their BB's. Gavin's is more of a scarf now and Ellie's has quite a few holes in it. I say let him keep it- it won't last forever. It will slowly, slowly diminish...TRUST ME!!
Braxton still has his "night-night". It got all torn and ratty a few years ago and I bought him a new one. Steve said, "He doesn't need a new one." But he loves it so much. The kid is very funny when it comes to soft things. He LOVES fuzzy sock, loves athletic pants because "they are soft like my night-night", loves to put his pillows and "night-night" in the fridge b/c they are "better when they are cold". :) Nash is not attached to anything yet, although he has a silky blanket in his bed. I say let Rory keep it! He will outgrow it eventually. Braxton keeps his in his bed (unless it's in the fridge) and if we do take it somewhere it has to stay in the car. My hubs even said to me one day last week, "Do they make these in our size?" :)
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