
Monday, January 28, 2008

Wal Mart

Don't you just love Wal Mart? It's anything you need all under one roof. You can get dog food, fabric for a sewing project, diapers and salsa all on the same trip to one store.

I know that I've probably had some random concoctions in my basket upon check-out but last night, I got so tickled at Casey's observation of a man at the check-out counter in front of us that I had to share...

The gentleman was buying a cordless phone and 3 cans of Frito Lay bean dip.

Did he actually leave his house for those specific items? or was he instructed by his wife to go to Wal Mart and get a new cordless phone and got a hankering for some bean dip...or was he picking up supplies for a gathering and saw a good deal on a new cordless phone? Any way you slice it...it was very amusing!

What's the strangest combination of items you've picked-up or witnessed someone else buying?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I promised the kids a treat after school, so we stopped by Wal-Mart for cookies and live fish. We left with our pink iced treats and plastic bags with swimming friends.

January 28, 2008 at 1:53 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I don't know if this truly answers the question, but it's still funny...I sent Justin to to Wal-Mart for a toilet plunger and he was so embarrassed that he got a variety of other items, just to cover the plunger up. He came home with a plunger, a gallon of ice cream, a shirt and a roll of paper towels. :)

January 28, 2008 at 2:45 PM  

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