
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Valentine

Remember when Valentine's Day was all about the perfect present, the perfect date, the perfect restaurant and the perfect outfit to show your sweetheart how much you loved them? I remember Casey and I's first Valentine's Day like it was yesterday.

It was February 14, 1997 and we had been dating about 2 weeks. I was so smitten with this new boy in my life and wanted to get him the perfect thing to say, "I know we're not that serious yet, but I sure do like you".

I made him a gift basket called "A Gift for the Senses" and put five items in it that I thought he'd enjoy:
Something to Smell- a candle of the Gap perfume, Heaven, I wore that he always said he liked
Something to Taste- a bunch of his favorite gum (Winterfresh) that I always debated with him wasn't as good as my favorite, Ice Breakers
Something to See- After 2 weeks of dating, he said he wanted a picture of me so I got him a little one in a frame
Something to Touch- a cheesy V-Day teddy bear
Something to Hear- The classic 90's dating gift...a mix tape of "how I feel" songs. I remember Jewel's You Were Meant For Me and a Gin Blossom's song that he really liked but other than that, I can't remember what the tape consisted of.

I have been asked to refrain from divulging what he got for me even though I thought it was sweet and thoughtful at the time and got a good laugh about it tonight.

We ate at a little restaurant called Clementine's and I thought the whole evening was so romantic.

We've been discussing how we want to celebrate this Valentine's Day. We've come up with the perfect date...
The perfect place- our house
The perfect restaurant- Chili's to go
The perfect outfit- pjs
The perfect present- a new little baby in 5 more days

To my perfect Valentine,
I love the being even more than the falling!


Blogger Ashley McWhorter said...

That is beautiful picture!!!!! Was that taken recently? Why were y'all so dressed up?
I surely thought we were gonna have a sweet love last night. Conn and I both kept our phones by our beds in hope that they might ring. But, when Casey showed up to b.s., I knew it was a no-go. Ahhhh man!!!!!! Hang in there!!! Love to you and Happy Valentines Day, sweet friend!!!!! :)

February 14, 2008 at 1:06 AM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

Ashley, I totally read that you thought you were going to have sweet love last night...I can't stop laughing...oh man! It is a Valentine post!

That is a great picture and I wondered the same thing as Ashley too...it looks recent...oh, was it for Casey's aunt's wedding?

February 14, 2008 at 9:06 AM  
Blogger Carly O'Quinn said...

I had to re-read that "sweet love" part, too!

Yes, this was taken at Casey's Aunt Cindy's wedding in January.

February 14, 2008 at 10:58 AM  
Blogger Toni said...

Wow, what a great picture of you two! Isn't it funny how Valentine's Days change over the years!

February 14, 2008 at 3:01 PM  
Blogger Ashley McWhorter said...

OMG, I totally wasn't even thinking that, GIRLS!!!!!! Where are your minds? :)

February 14, 2008 at 3:19 PM  
Blogger Lacey said...

Ashley I had to re-read too..your dirty girl!! LOL.
I think it's so sweet that you remember the Valentine's from 1997-you have a great memory!! Glad you guys enjoyed your night last night. I think we definitely are getting the best Valentine's gift this year!

February 15, 2008 at 12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya'll all have "minds in the gutter" or rather, "minds in the bedroom"!!! My sweet baby girl (Ashley) would NEVER talk like that!! yeah right!!
Carly - you GLOW with pregnancy! The pic is awesome!! You MUST frame it as a reminder of that pregnancy glow you have!!

Well, mine and Robin's 1st date was the night before Valentine's Day, Friday, Feb 13, 1970!! (no Friday the 13th superstition in this family!) 38 yrs ago! We double-dated with our best friends and went to the drive-in! Went to see Midnight Cowboy starring Dustin Hoffman - that is where I got Dustin's (our son's name!) Don't remember anything about the movie cause we talked all the way through it. Seriously, he was the sweetest guy I had ever met or dated! (Still is!!). I remember I had a red ribbon in my hair and he told me how much he loved the ribbon in my hair. Ashley almost always wore a ribbon in her hair til she was in college!! Now her girls both wear ribbons/bows in their hair everyday! Guess that's where that came from!!!
Robin and I celebrated our 38th 1st date/Valentines Day a few nights ago on Wed. Feb 13th and went to a wonderful little Italian restaurant downtown. - then took all our kids/grandkids to Chick-fil-a on Valentine's Day (fairly new tradition that the grandkids LOVE!!)
Oh funny thing, our 1st date was magical - but the next day (Valentines Day)I saw Robin at Mac's Dairy Dream (our high school hang-out) and he was so shy he wouldn't even speak to me!!! But all that to say - you young girls - keep up the sweet lovin' on Valentine's Day - after 38 yrs of dating and 35 years of marriage - I love my man more than ever!! It only gets sweeter as time goes by!!!

Julie (Mammy)

February 15, 2008 at 11:25 PM  

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