
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tag, I'm It...Again

The thing about these "surveys" is that they will inevitably come back around once you've done it but perhaps may have some variations to them. Such is the case with this latest one I've been tagged to do by my sister, Robin & Bethany.

I answered this as one of my first posts after I started this blog back in August so I will re-post my answers and then answer the new questions.

The directions - Share five [my original one asked for 8, so I'm sticking with those answers] random and/or weird facts about yourself, and then share the five top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list, and finally tag five people.

1. I have mild OCD and have to lock my car multiple times before I'm convinced that it's locked or go back and check to make sure that I've turned off my straightener a couple of times...just to make sure!

2. Fingernails on a chalk board I can handle but hearing the sound of someone scrape their teeth on a metal fork makes my teeth rattle and itch and sends chills up my spine!

3. I absolutely LOVE my mom's potato salad. I don't know what it is about it but I could eat vats of it! And while I'm on the subject of my mom and cooking...I've noticed recently that I stand like her when I'm cooking. We both do this 'flamingo' thing where we tuck one leg up on the other and lean up against the counter. Weird, huh?

4. I'm the most amazing dancer you've ever met trapped inside a girl with two left feet. I adore movies like "Dirty Dancing" and "Center Stage" and shows like "Dancing with the Stars" and "SYTYCD". I have no problem getting up in front of hundreds of people and singing but dancing is something that should remain private for me and my mirror!

5. Casey enjoys making fun of me because I can make it through a big, fat steak- no problem but the second I take a sip of water, I choke. It's the insignificant things that usually get my tears rolling: water, air, etc. Unfortunately, Maggie inherited it too!

6. I LOVE movies and tv shows and have a running game with myself of "What else has he/she been in?" I know that I annoy people who go with me to movies because I'm constantly leaning over saying, "That's the girl from..." but I litteraly can't sleep that night if I can't pinpoint where I've seen an actor or actress before. For this reason, IMDB.com is my best friend.

7. I love to travel but I'm horrible with directions. I love taking my annual girls trips to NYC and other fun cities but don't ever hand me the map or put me in charge of getting us somewhere because we will end up lost!

8. I have severe dry skin. I used to get called "Old Lady Hands" or "Alligator Legs" in elementary school. I have to do my nightly regimen of Vasaline mixed with baby oil in the winter or my legs crack and bleed.

Places to go:
1. Italy...I'm so jealous of you, Sharla!

2. Australia

3. London

4. Martha's Vineyard

5. I want to go back to Ireland, Paris, Hawaii, Germany

Tagged Friends:
If you're reading this and you blog...consider yourself tagged!


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