My sister had to attend a conference in Orlando while I was in Nashville about a month ago. She joked before we left that we should meet up and spend a day at Disneyworld. I laughed and dismissed her random comment.
I called her on the last day of her conference to see how it had gone. I could barely hear her over a man talking in the background.
"Are you still in the conference?" I asked.
"No...I'm at Disneyworld."
WHAT?!? She went by herself to spend the day at Disney and ride the herself.
"I told you to come with me." she said
I truly thought she was kidding but technically, I could have flown from Nashville to Orlando where she could have picked me up in her paid-for car, and stayed with her in her paid-for hotel room. (Can you tell I'm dwelling on what could-have-been?)
Instead, I spent about an hour on the phone with her while she rode rides (and I listened to her scream), ate at the concession stands, and shopped in the Disney shops.
We even posed for pictures together. Yes, she handed the camera to strangers and asked, "Will you take a picture of me and my sister?" They must have thought she was nuts!
Here we are...
This experience has taught me a couple of things:
1) Robin doesn't kid around about going to Disneyworld.
2) I don't think that I would enjoy an experience like Disneyworld alone. Having no one to ride rides with or take pictures with or turn to and say, "Isn't this fun?". She said that she always got to go to the front of the lines as a single rider and got to ride the rides that she missed out on when she went with her kids.
What about you? Given the opportunity, would you go to Disneyworld by yourself?